Dr. Alex Valentine

Dr. Alex Valentine writes what she knows: a little about law, a little about science, a little about love, greed, jealousy and other human conditions ā€” and a lot about Spaniels, Foxes, Boxers and Cats ā€” both black and ginger.
Dr. Valentine’s education includes Master’s in Journalism, Ph.D. in literature and humanities, and a law degree. Her experience includes twenty-five years as a journalist, working for newspapers and TV, and seventeen years as a lawyer-litigator. Alex is not one person.

ZIP & MILLY: Big Water (Cheetah Press, Spring 2018) is the first book of the trilogy, followed by
ZIP & MILLY: Siberian Adventure (Cheetah Press, forthcoming 2021)
ZIP & MILLY: Amber Rush (forthcoming, 2021).